Daniela Fawcett ARNP

Skin & Wound Provider
Daniela Fawcett ARNP

Daniela became interested in health care at a very young age. The desire to work in healthcare never wavered throughout her teens and early 20s. Her entry into healthcare began as a medical assistant. She quickly realized she would continue her education and become a registered nurse and later a nurse practitioner. She has never regretted her decision and has worked with the medically underserved population her entire career.

In her free time, Daniela loves music and going to concerts. Before starting nursing school, seeing live shows was her number one activity. She has recently relocated to Portland from Los Angeles and is looking forward to outdoor activities such as hiking and possibly kayaking. She is also rekindling a long-lost love for reading.


Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science, Master of Science in Nursing, Nurse Practitioner